Tuesday, April 13, 2010

(909) 625-ROWR

(Image borrowed from Israel Lawrence, borrwowing from Justine Demetrick)

Kenyon, Wood, Barnes at the height of their quirky powers.

Intermission #3--an absolute classic

Instant Litter

I simply love old flyers.

I put together Heavy on the Freak Sauce* in late 1994 and early 1995--well before the far-superior Fucked Up and Photocopied came out--and then let my box of collected flyers dissipate into the ether. Some times I regret giving them away, other times I'm excited to share a little fragment of a near-invisible history with others.

Each of these images is embedded with dozens of untold stories. They shouldn't be fetishized or consumed like another disposable product, but enjoyed, reflected upon, and interrogated.

Don't neglect the heart for the sake of the corpse.

by Steve Chamberlain (TTR)

Che Cafe mayhem

The Grain of Strength really took Ullyses-cum-Mao rhetoric to a whole new place

by Drew Gilbert

First Bread and Circuits show. Flyer by Anthony Lew

First Torches to Rome show. Third Street Kids' flyer

Morbid Mark graphics

One hell of a line-up. Not sure what to make of the imagery

*If I can figure out the technology, I'll digitize HOFS and make it available online soon.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Born Against handbill: flotsam & jetsam of the inter-web

One of the things that fascinates me about the inter-web is the way chance searches can result in unexpected treasures. Of course the opposite is also possible--a myriad of trash seems to circulate on the web--but the non-linear layout of things in 'cyberspace' does allow for all sorts of interesting discoveries. Example: these flyers from Born Against circa 199-something ('tour 92? Dear Jesus?) via a site with an interview with Gehenna impresario Mike Cheese. Go figure! Enjoy.

To continue reading, check here.

To read an interview with Adam Nathonson, click here. (Adam's Stakolee site seems to be down.)

To be mildly amused by Sam McPheeters, click here.

Other BA paraphernalia from the 'mid 90s' page* on FaceBook:

*A wide variety of people are responsible for that page.

No Sleep Till Columbus

Last summer I wrote a pretty long set of interview questions for Dennis Berendts (Black Dove/Solar Funeral) and eventually that interview will be posted here. In the meantime, I copied over a few flyers from he and Matt Miner's exceptional website, Bells of Doom Toll.

Exposed rib-cage: check. Locust wings: check. Intertwined locks of doom: check. Let Haloween commence!

Eery raven atop machinery salvaged from Disney's Black Hole

In utero bomb drop?

Stippling: a fine way to use one's OCD

In addition to Black Dove, Dennis played in Three Studies for a Crucifixion, The Awakening, Dismal, Winds of Saturn (unless I'm mistaken), and Teeth of the Hydra. He may also be currently involved with Paralyzer and the wall of sound known as Nukehammer.

Postscript: Seek Columbus hellfire and tinnitus immediately!
