Crossing Rio Torre via tyrolean traverse
Today marks one full month in South America. We´ve been able to cook for ourselves more than on the first leg of the trip and, thankfully, there´s plenty of quality produce and potable water here, a luxury we missed sorely in India and Southeast Asia. Four months without a salad is just plain wrong!
Poincenot-Fitz Roy reflections from Lago de los tres
Anyhow, I´ve been dreaming about Patagonia since I was little. I had pictures of Torres del Paine* up on my wall and read everything I could get my hands on to learn about the area. I wanted to know the terrain and mind-state needed to cope in a place at so intensely beautiful and at the same time foreboding.
In 1968 a group of ´fun hogs´ loaded up their Econoline van and surfed their way down the length of Chile. Then they put up a new route on Fitz Roy. They suffered through a soggy month in a snow cave and their clothing -- state of the art wool and leather -- basically eroded off of them. The suffer-fest continued and they summitted, not that anyone was around to congratulate them. For climbers, that adventure has become the archetypal Patagonia experience.
Below are some images from the land of gargantuan sky, unfathomably strong wind, and really really cute guanacos.
Mighty Cerro Torre with Torre Egger and Standhardt to the right
Madres de los desaparecidos graffiti
Cuevas de las manos
Along with 500 km of this...
...comes a bit of this
The choique (right) looks amazingly calm
If you lived here, you´d be home now
Aloha! (Z--being from Hawi´i--isn´t amused by the cold)
Undeniable radness
Who knew my hair was so delicious?
*Despite what I've heard, Torres del Paine does not translate as Towers of Pain. That'd be just too much truth in advertising.
torres del paine is mistranslated. is just torres del paine
Thanks for the correction. That mistranslation has been stuck in my head for 20 years, even though it's inaccurate.
Are you in Chile? My wife and I leave with some friends to hike the Circuit tomorrow.
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